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                                            Indigenous Land Acknowlegment

We want to acknowledge the land on which we gather, and where Catalyst Gymnastics calls home. This land has been, and is still inhabited by many Indigenous Peoples since the last Ice Age which was 13,000 years ago. In particular, we acknowledge the territory of the Anishinabewaki, Haudenosaunee peoples, Attiwonderonk, Mississauga, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. The land that is home to the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people. We are grateful to now be on the land that is the land of Indigenous Peoples since time began.

We recognize that the land we are on was taken away through colonization, oppression, and expropriation. In the hopes for a better future and building relationships, we recognize, require, and honour what is in the truth and reconciliation report and the calls to action. We acknowledge and are grateful for having the privilege of being where we are, for this land, and for the Indigenous Peoples who have and continue to inhabit this land.

In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, we pledge to turn our acknowledgement into action. This means a commitment to be partners with Indigenous Peoples, Metis and Inuit –  in caring for the land and water, speaking truth to remember the lives of thousands of children, and honour the survivors of the residential school system, bringing justice to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, and supporting the preservation of Indigenous languages and cultures. 

Learn more about Indigenous territories, languages, lands and where you reside HERE.