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                                                     Catalyst Accessibility Policy

Catalyst Gymnastics is dedicated to creating a respectful, inviting, accessible, and inclusive space for individuals with disabilities while upholding their dignity and independence.

We strongly believe in integration and equal opportunities for all, and we are devoted to addressing the requirements of our customers with disabilities promptly. This will involve eliminating and preventing accessibility barriers within our facility and ensuring compliance with Ontario's Accessibility Laws.


Catalyst Gymnastics will communicate with our customers with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports.

Assistive Devices

Catalyst Gymnastics will ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices we have on site, or that we provide that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services.

Support Persons

Clients with a disability that require a support person will both be permitted full access to our facility and will not be prevented from having access to their support person at any time. All client confidentiality requirements and practices will also apply to support persons. 

Participants with a disability will be charged the appropriate program fee.  Their support person is not required to pay any additional fees, but may be required to pay the Gymnastics Ontario membership fee, if participating in more than 3 visits to our facility. This is a mandatory fee for all participants to be covered by their insurance company.

Service Animals

Catalyst Gymnastics recognizes that some customers require the support of service animals to assist them in overcoming barriers, and that these animals are working animals. Clients that require the assistance of service animals will be permitted full access to our facility, unless otherwise excluded by law. 

Notice of Temporary Disruption

In the event of a temporary disruption to services or the facility for customers with disabilities, Catalyst Gymnastics will notify customers/members promptly.  A clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services if available.


Catalyst Gymnastics is committed to becoming a barrier free environment and meeting the requirements of all existing legislation relating to removing and preventing barriers to people with disabilities that may interfere with their ability to have full access to the programs and services provided by Catalyst Gymnastics.

Catalyst Gymnastics will ensure that its process for receiving and responding to feedback are made available to any persons with disabilities. Catalyst Gymnastics encourages any feedback regarding our facility's accessibility.  Catalyst Gymnastics will use this feedback to identify, repair, remove or improve any barriers that may prevent access to our facility or our programs.

Catalyst Gymnastics welcomes your feedback by any of the following preferences;

By email:

In person: 4-8695 Escarpment Way, Unit 4, Milton, Ontario L9T 0J5

In writing: 4-8695 Escarpment Way, Unit 4, Milton, Ontario L9T 0J5

Or by any other format that meets the requirements of any persons with disabilities. 

All feedback will be assessed by our administrative staff, and will be forwarded, if necessary, to the Owners for review.  Responses to customers regarding feedback will be addressed in a timely manner.