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                                                     Catalyst Photo & Video Policy

To keep the magic alive for all our little gymnasts, we have a few rules to snap by. No paparazzi moments during classes - let the kiddos shine without the flashbulbs! Parents, you're the lucky ones on the last day for a quick pic with your star, but remember, social media is a no-go zone for these snaps unless it's your own munchkin stealing the show!

Camera flashes are a big no-no as they can dazzle our athletes and lead to some not-so-glamorous accidents. Safety first, folks! Our staff coaches might snap a picture for club fun and games, or for training purposes, but only with the green light from you, the parent or guardian.

If our eagle-eyed team spots any shutterbugs in action, they'll swoop right in and ask for a quick camera cooldown. Remember, our gym is a safe space, so any suspicious snaps will get the boot faster than you can say "cheese!"

Your little one's safety is our top priority, so if anything fishy is spotted, we won't hesitate to sound the alarm and bring in the big guns. If you see something out of the ordinary, give us a heads-up - we're all in this together!