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                                                   Rowan's Law/Concussion Prevention Policy

Rowan's Law was named for Rowan Stringer, a high school rugby player from Ottawa, who died in the spring of 2013 from a condition known as second impact syndrome (swelling of the brain caused by a subsequent injury that occurred before a previous injury healed).

In the fall of 2018, the Province of Ontario passed Rowan's Law in an effort to increase concussion safety & awareness across the province. This document outlines the requirements put in place by the Province of Ontario, the Policies and Procedures Catalyst Gymnastics has put into place in order to be compliant with the law, as well as information regarding Concussion Awareness Resources.

Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 makes it mandatory for sports organizations to:

1. Ensure that athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, coaches, team trainers, and officials confirm every year that they have reviewed Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources.

2. Establish a Concussion Prevention Policy that sets out rules of behaviour to support concussion prevention.

3. Establish a Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocol (Effective July 1st, 2020) Catalyst Gymnastics now requires all coaches, program coordinators, and competitive stream athletes and parents to complete both a receipt of review of a concussion awareness resource as well as the Catalyst Gymnastics Concussion Prevention Policy. Effective immediately, Catalyst Gymnastics will also require anyone registering in a noncompetitive stream program to accept our policy regarding Rowan’s Law. This will apply to all recreational programs and drop in registrations.

The policy states;

I am aware of Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, and the risk of concussion associated with gymnastics programs at Catalyst Gymnastics.

I have reviewed the resources provided by the province of Ontario and understand the symptoms, risks and importance of recovery when a concussion is incurred.

By agreeing to this policy I acknowledge that I understand what a concussion is and how it can occur.

  • I am committing to engage in safe practice, to self-report and stop participating in sport if I suspect I have a concussion.
  • If I am the parent/guardian of a participant I am committing to discuss the importance of concussion reporting and recovery with my gymnastic program participant/s.
  • You can find Catalyst Gymnastics Athlete Concussion Prevention Policy below for your reference.
  • Below you will find the Concussion Awareness Resources for athletes of various ages.

You can find more information on Rowan's law here.

You can read more about concussions here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the procedures or policies being in put in place by Catalyst Gymnastics with respect to Rowan's Law you can contact our office at


Catalyst Concussion Prevention Policy


I will help prevent concussions by:

• Using the proper equipment for my sport for its intended purpose.

• Ensuring that my training, practice or competition environment is safe. Meaning the equipment is secured and the proper matting is in place.

• Developing my skills and strength so that I can participate to the best of my ability.

• Respecting the rules of my sport or activity.

• *My commitment to fair play and respect for all*, including other athletes, coaches, program coordinators and officials I will care for my health and safety by taking concussions seriously, and I understand that:

• A concussion is a brain injury that can have both short- and long-term effects.

• A blow to my head, face or neck may cause a concussion

• A blow to the body that causes the brain to move around inside the skull may cause a concussion.

• I don’t need to lose consciousness to sustain a concussion.

• *I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self- reporting of possible concussion and reporting to a designated person when an individual suspects that another individual may have sustained a concussion.* If I think I have a concussion I should stop participating in training, practice or competition immediately. I should tell an adult if I think another athlete has a concussion.

• Continuing to participate in training, practice or competition with a possible concussion increases my risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases my risk of other injuries. I will not hide concussion symptoms. I will speak up for myself and others.

• I will not hide my symptoms. I will tell a coach, program coordinator, parent or another adult I trust if I experience any concussion symptoms.

• If someone else tells me about concussion symptoms, or I see signs they might have a concussion, I will tell a coach, program coordinator, parent or another adult I trust so they can help.

• I understand that if I have a suspected or diagnosed concussion, I will be removed from sport and that I will not be able to return to training, practice or competition until I have been medically cleared by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.

• *I have a commitment to sharing any pertinent information regarding incidents of removal from sport with the athlete’s school, and any other sport organization with which the athlete has registered.* If I am diagnosed with a concussion, I will let all of my coaches and teachers know about my injury in order to help them support me while I recover. I will take the time I need to recover, because it is important for my health.

• *I understand my commitment to supporting the return-to-sport process* and I will follow the Catalyst Gymnastics Return-to-Sport Protocol.

• I will respect my coaches, program coordinators, parents, health-care professionals, medical doctors and nurse practitioners, regarding my health and safety.

This page is not intended to provide medical advice. For emergencies, or if you think you or your child have sustained a concussion, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital or emergency department. For advice on health care for concussion symptoms, please consult with a physician or nurse practitioner.